Wix Studio Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

While building your client’s site on the Wix Studio Editor, you can use keyboard shortcuts to work quickly and efficiently. Below are the most commonly used Wix Studio Editor keyboard shortcuts, grouped by their functions to enhance your workflow.

See also: Wix Editor Keyboard Shortcuts »

Basic actions

Optimize your basic editing with these essential shortcuts.

ActionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
UndoCtrl + ZCmd + Z
RedoCtrl + YCmd + Shift + Z
Preview ModeCtrl + Alt + PCmd + Alt + P
SaveCtrl + SCmd + S
PublishCtrl + Shift + PCmd + Shift + P

Interaction with different elements

Easily manage and manipulate elements within the Wix Studio Editor.

ActionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
CutCtrl + XCmd + X
CopyCtrl + CCmd + C
PasteCtrl + VCmd + V
DuplicateCtrl + DCmd + D
Delete ElementDelete / BackspaceDelete / Backspace
Select Child ElementCtrl + ClickCmd + Click
Place in ContainerAlt + COption + C
Remove from ContainerAlt + Shift + COption + Shift + C
Stack ElementsAlt + SOption + S
Bring to FrontCtrl + ↑Cmd + ↑
Send to BackCtrl + ↓Cmd + ↓
Move BackwardCtrl + ↓Cmd + ↓
Move ForwardCtrl + ↑Cmd + ↑
Nudge by 1px←/↑/→/↓←/↑/→/↓
Nudge by 10pxShift + ←/↑/→/↓Shift + ←/↑/→/↓
Deselect ElementEscEsc
Disable Auto-DockingCtrl + Drag/ResizeCmd + Drag/Resize
Maintain Proportions ResizeShift + ResizeShift + Resize
Resize from CenterAlt + ResizeOption + Resize
Drag in Straight LineShift + DragShift + Drag

View options

Adjust your view to suit your workflow needs.

ActionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
Zoom InCtrl + (+)Cmd + (+)
Zoom OutCtrl + (-)Cmd + (-)
Reset View to 100%Ctrl + 0Cmd + 0
Open/Close Side PanelsCtrl + .Cmd + .
Show/Hide InspectorCtrl + ICmd + I
Show/Hide LayersCtrl + LCmd + L
Show/Hide ShortcutsCtrl + /Cmd + /

Text formatting

Enhance your text with these quick formatting options.

ActionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
BoldCtrl + BCmd + B
ItalicCtrl + ICmd + I
UnderlineCtrl + UCmd + U

Utilizing these Wix Studio Editor keyboard shortcuts will significantly streamline your web development process, allowing you to create and edit your website with greater efficiency and precision. Master these shortcuts to become more productive and effective in your workflow.

See also: Wix Velo Keyboard Shortcuts »

Source: Wix Help Center

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